The internet can be a very wonderful thing indeed. Especially when it brings such a warm and encouraging response as we received for our posting of The Complete Works of (The) Flowers. Among the many appreciative comments we had not one but two from the Head Flower herself, Hilary Morrison, a woman whose voice has left an indelible impression on anyone who ever listened to the clutch of singles and ep tracks that her band gave us. We were absolutely thrilled to hear from her, let me tell you. You can read our original post and the comments that followed here.
And thanks to our good friend Dualtrack, whose blog should be required reading for any thinking person, we have updated our .zip file of The Flowers, with a much improved rip of "(Life) After Dark." Get it here.
Our recent post of David Byrne's original mixes of the tracks on The B-52's Mesopotamia was missing two of the longer, dancier versions that appeared on some early release copies of the ep. Thanks to VanceMan (whose brilliantly titled blog, Another Misty Bus Queue Morning, is also very much worth visiting), we have now rectified these omissions. If you downloaded the previous version, you'll want to get this updated one for the fantastic mix of "Cake" alone. Download it here.
Thanks to everyone who has helped make The Same Mistakes such a pleasure, and stayed tune for more!
THANK YOU!!!! for The Flowers mp3s. I had the Hicks From The Sticks compilation back in the day, and never thought I'd ever hear these songs again.
ReplyDeleteLove it.
Re: The Flowers. They also recorded a Peel session, including tracks not available on vinyl, has anybody ever heard it? Perhaps Hilary has a worn out cassette in a drawer somewhere!! If anybody knows anything, please drop me a line c/o my blog (thanks!).